Monday, June 23, 2014

On Second Tries

So, you (and by "you" I mean whichever friends I've managed to bully into reading this) may have noticed that I never posted a review on The Iliad on Friday. I have an excuse! Not a good one, but one nonetheless. My library card had expired, so I really only got two days with the book. I got through half of it in those two days (over 300 pages), but half a book does not a good review make. I'll have it in this Friday. Promise.

My first week of the project was okay (unsuccessful, but good). When I was on my game, I was really on my game. I mean, I spent two whole days just reading and taking notes! Notes! I was less successful this weekend, when I had my book but didn't go to the library. I think I need to arrange a spot in my house where I can gather my focus as well as I can at the library.

Also today instead of reading (or cleaning) I made a pie. Its pear/apple.


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